Courtesy Service to Nonprofit Organizations
Now, It is time to give back to our community.
We offer courtesy services to qualifying nonprofit organizations, addressing their technological needs for seamless operations at both their offices and remotely. Each organization will benefit from a custom Cloud Center designed to meet its specific requirements.
Through partnerships with the world’s leading corporations, we provide qualifying nonprofit organizations with operating systems, applications, and utility software for up to 50 computers at no cost.
Furthermore, we supply all the necessary integrated systems for their online presence, cloud center, IT infrastructure, and a platform for hours of video conferencing for up to 10 users, anywhere in the world, completely free of charge.
Mission Statement: Provide Community Services To Create Peace And A Better World For Ourselves & Our Future Generations.
Our program objective: Empower the people, Mass awareness, Sustainable Development, Capacity Building & Improving people’s living standards.
Community Development – Strategy, Planning, Design & Development
Community development is a field of planning, thought, and practice that generally prioritizes people and places disproportionately burdened by capitalist urbanization. While the dominant focus has often been on personal or group development, community development encompasses much more. It involves opportunities, participation, transparency, breaking barriers, accountability, individual empowerment, enhanced capacity, democracy, rights, financial stability, equality, and social justice.
For many communities, development implies freedom—freedom from oppression and deprivation; the freedom to enjoy one's time, make choices, and experience life as abundantly as possible. Conceived in this way, community development can be seen as transforming economic, political, social, and spatial structures and processes to become more inclusive, vibrant, and sustainable.
Ultimately, the approach to community development varies based on geographical factors, such as countries, cities, rural, urban, and suburban areas, as well as the size of the population and other relevant considerations. It is essential for community members to collectively identify what is important to them to improve living standards and create stronger, more connected communities.